Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi,lingkungan kerja, kepuasan kerja dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan PT POS Indonesia Cabang Purwokerto


  • ari amalia wigati ady achadi
  • Sundari Sri FEB Unwiku
  • Suzana Andi Johan FEB Unwiku


This study aims to analyze the partial significance of the influence of organizational climate, work environment, job satisfaction, organizational culture on employee performance at PT. POS Indonesia Purwokerto Branch. The conclusion from the study that organizational climate has a positive and significant influence on the performance of employees of PT. POS Indonesia Purwokerto Branch, as evidenced by the calculation of the t test, namely t count > t table or 2.522 > 1.675. The work environment has a significant positive effect on the performance of employees of PT. POS Indonesia Purwokerto Branch, as evidenced by the calculation of the t test, namely t count > t table or 2.793 > 1.675. Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the performance of employees of PT. POS Indonesia Purwokerto Branch, as evidenced by the calculation of the t test, namely t count > t table or 2.718 > 1.675. Organizational culture has a significant positive influence on the performance of employees of PT. POS Indonesia Purwokerto Branch, as evidenced by the calculation of the t test, namely t count > t table or 3.080 > 1.675.


Keywords : organizational climate, work environment, job satisfaction, organizational culture.



How to Cite

Ari Amalia , W., Sri , S., & Andi Johan , S. (2023). Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi,lingkungan kerja, kepuasan kerja dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan PT POS Indonesia Cabang Purwokerto. Majalah Imiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 20(1), 21 - 29. Retrieved from