Peran Kepuasan Kerja dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Work Life Balance terhadap Kinerja Perawat Rumah Sakit Emanuel Klampok


  • Abimanyu Bakti Pratama unwiku
  • Edi Sumantri FEB Unwiku Purwokerto
  • Isnaeni Rokhayati FEB Unwiku Purwokerto


Nurse Performance, Work Life Balance, Job Satisfaction


The aims of this research were to find out and analyze the significance effect of work life balance on job satisfaction and nurses’ performance, to find out and analyze the significance effect of job satisfaction on nurses’ performance, as well as to find out and analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction on the effect of work life balance on nurses’ performance of Emanuel Hospital in Klampok. Population of this research was 137 nurses of Emanuel Hospital in Klampok, while number of sample in this research was 58 nurses which were taken by using simple random sampling technique. Data collection used interview, literature study, and questionnaire methods. Method of data analysis within research used regression of mediating variable with Product of Coefficient method. Result of regression of mediating variable with Product of Coefficient method showed the equation of simple linear regression analysis was M = 11.979 + 0.445X, and the equation of multiple linear regression analysis was Y = 13.664 + 0.134X + 0.173M. R2 value of simple linear regression analysis was 0.132, it means that 13.20 percent of the variation in changes of the nurses’ job satisfaction at Emanuel Hospital in Klampok can be explained by work life balance, while 86.80 percent was explained by other variables were not included in regression model. Next, R2 value of multiple linear regression analysis was 0.287, it means that 28.70 percent of the variation in changes of the nurses’ performance at Emanuel Hospital in Klampok can be explained by work life balance and job satisfaction, while 71.30 percent was explained by other variables were not included in regression model. F-test result of of simple linear regression analysis showed that Fstatistic value (8.542) > Ftable (4.013), and F-test result of multiple linear regression analysis showed that Fstatistic value (11.074) > Ftable (3.165), it means that the model of simple and multiple linear regression were declared feasible for estimate the population or it fulfills the goodness of fit. T-test result of simple linear regression analysis showed that tstatistic value of work life balance on nurses’ job satisfaction (2.923) was greater than ttable value (1.673). T-test result of multiple linear regression analysis showed that tstatistic value of work life balance on nurses’ performance (2.034) and tstatistic value of job satisfaction on nurses’ performance (3.213) each was greater than ttable value (1.673). Furthermore, based on test of mediating variable by using Sobel test, it obtained the tSobel (2.161) was greater than ttable value (2.004). So, it can be concluded that work life balance has a positive significantly effect on job satisfaction, work life balance as well as job satisfaction has a positive significantly effect on nurses’ performance, and job satisfaction mediates significantly the effect of work life balance on nurses’ performance of Emanuel Hospital in Klampok. Implications of this research were management of Emanuel Hospital in Klampok needs to implement the appropriate policies related to work life balance as an effort to increase nurses’ job satisfaction continuously. Furthermore, in order to improve the nurses’ performance optimally, management needs to implement the right policies related to work life balance and job satisfaction. The ways could be done by increase nurses’ ability to fulfill their responsibilities at work while continuing to carry out their responsibilities in their family life, as well as continuing to increase nurse satisfaction with supervision which is provided by the management of Emanuel Hospital Klampok in provide them with technical assistance. Suggestions for the future researcher were to add the other independent variables which can affect job satisfaction and nurses’ performance, as well as need to expand the scope of research subject so it will be able to describe the nurses’ performance of hospital more comprehensively




How to Cite

Bakti Pratama, A. ., Sumantri, E. ., & Rokhayati, I. . (2024). Peran Kepuasan Kerja dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Work Life Balance terhadap Kinerja Perawat Rumah Sakit Emanuel Klampok. Majalah Imiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 21(1), 173 - 184. Retrieved from

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