Pengaruh Kompetensi, Loyalitas, Pengembangan Karir dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT. Telkom Akses Wilayah Telkom Purwokerto)


  • Vanesha Novana MANAJEMEN
  • Edi P. Sumantri FEB Unwiku Purwokerto
  • Ady Achadi FEB Unwiku Purwokerto


competence, loyalty, career development, compensation, employees’ performance


The aims of this research were to test and to analyze the significant effect of competence, loyalty, career development and compensation on employees’ performance of PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto. Population of this research was 224 employees of PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto, while number of sample was 147 respondents who were taken by using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data collection used interview, literature study, and questionnaire methods. The data source within research were primary and secondary data, while type of data within research was quantitative. Method of data analysis used multiple linear regression with the help by SPSS software.

Result of multiple linear regression analysis showed the equation of Y = -7.774 + 0.313X1 + 0.334X2 + 0.267X3 + 0.355X4. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.516, it means that 51.60 percent of the variation in changes of the employees’ performance at PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto can be explained by competence, loyalty, career development and compensation, while 48.40 percent was explained by other variables were not included in regression model. Result of F-test showed that Fstatistic value of 37.851 > Ftable was 2.44, it means that the model of multiple linear regression was declared feasible for estimate the population or it fulfills the goodness of fit. Results of t-test analysis showed that tstatistic value of competence (5.974), tstatistic value of loyalty (4.567), tstatistic value of career development (4.882), and tstatistic value of compensation (5.875) each was greater than ttable value (1.656). So, it can be concluded that competence, loyalty, career development as well as compensation has a positive significantly effect on employees’ performance of PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto.

Implication of this research was the management of PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto needs to implement the appropriate policies related to competence, loyalty, career development and compensation. The ways could be done by continue to increase the employees’ ability to provide services to all parties who need their help, continue to increase the employees’ love for the company, and increase the employees’ feelings of happiness because they have become part of PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto, continue to strive to implement career development policies fairly based on employees’ working period and in accordance with the career levels required by management of PT. Telkom Akses Witel Purwokerto as well as continue to strive to provide the adequate facilities to all employees in order to encourage the optimal improvement in their work results.


Keywords:  Employee Performance, Competence, Loyalty, Career Development, Compensation.




How to Cite

Novana, V., P. Sumantri, E. ., & Achadi, A. . (2024). Pengaruh Kompetensi, Loyalitas, Pengembangan Karir dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT. Telkom Akses Wilayah Telkom Purwokerto). Majalah Imiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 21(1), 156 - 164. Retrieved from