Pengaruh Work-Family Conflict, Kompensasi, Keadilan Organisasi Dan Job Insecurity Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Mitra Bisnis Seluler


  • Muhamad Akhsinudin Universitas Wijaya Kusuma
  • Heri Setiawan FEB Unwiku Purwokerto
  • Wisnu Wijayanto FEB Unwiku Purwokerto


Job Satisfaction, Work-Family Conflict, Compensation, Organizational Justice, Job Insecurity


The aims of this research were to test and to analyze the significant effect of work-family conflict, compensation, organizational justice, and job insecurity on employees’ job satisfaction of PT. Mitra Bisnis Seluler. Population of this research was 89 employees of PT. Mitra Bisnis Seluler, while number of sample was 76 respondents who were taken by using

proportionate stratified random sampling. Collecting data used interview, literature research, and questionnaire methods. The data source within research were primary and secondary data, while type of data within research was quantitative data. Method of data analysis used multiple linear regression with the help by SPSS software. Result of multiple linear regression analysis showed the equation of Y = 10.217 - 0.366X1 + 0.310X2 + 0.298X3 – 0.369X4. Implications of this research were the management of PT. Mitra Bisnis Seluler needs to implement the appropriate policies related to work-family conflict, compensation, organizational justice, and job insecurity.




How to Cite

Akhsinudin, M. ., Setiawan , H. ., & Wijayanto , W. . (2024). Pengaruh Work-Family Conflict, Kompensasi, Keadilan Organisasi Dan Job Insecurity Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Mitra Bisnis Seluler. Majalah Imiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 21(1), 205 - 213. Retrieved from

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