Determinan Pembangunan Manusia Di Provinsi Papua
This study aims to determine the effect of the Pure Education Participation Rate (APM), GDP Percapita, Gini Ratio, and Percentage of Poor People on the Human Development Index in Papua Province. This study used panel data with a time span of 5 years and cross section of 29 regencies/cities in Papua Province. The analysis technique used is panel data regression. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it is concluded that the Pure Education Participation Rate, Gross Regional Domestic Product, and Gini Ratio have a significant positive effect on the Human Development Index in Papua Province in 2017-2021. The percentage of poor people does not affect the Human Development Index in Papua Province in 2017-2021. These results imply that the government must be able to encourage public participation in education through infrastructure that facilitates access to education and also more affordable education. Increasing GDP also needs to be carried out through increasing local economic activities and developing regional potential.