Pengaruh Electronic Word Of Mouth (E-WOM), Aksesibilitas, Fasilitas dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Kembali di Objek Wisata Camp Area Umbul Bengkok Kabupaten Banyumas
This study aims to significantly investigate how electronic word-of-mouth, accessibility, facilities, and perceived price affect revisit intention. All visitors to the remote Banyumas district Umbul Bengkok Camp Tourism Area made up the population of this study item. The population of this study item was made up of all of the tourists that visited the Umbul Bengkok Camp Tourism Area in the Banyumas area, the number of whom could not be determined. Purposive sampling was utilised in this study using a sample of 110 participants. Multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 26 statistics was the analytical method employed in this investigation. The findings indicated that electronic word-of-mouth, facilities, and price perception all had a favourable and substantial impact on visitors' intentions to return to tourist attractions in the Umbul Bengkok Camp Area of the Banyumas Regency. However, accessibility had no such impact. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the management of the Umbul Bengkok Camp Area Tourism Object needs to assess and re-filter reviews on social media, pay attention to road access to tourist sites, maintain existing facilities, and reconsider the price of entrance tickets in order to later increase visitor Revisit Intention to the object.